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Best Photography Schools in Europe

Venturing into photography as leisure or as a business is a common thing happening nowadays. Photography is a skill that you can either learn on your own by watching YouTube videos or look at what someone else is doing and grasp that or you can simply go and enroll in a photography school. It may surprise many that there are 7 best photography schools in Europe that focus wholly on training their students on different skills pertaining to photography.

One would wonder what they teach in a photography school. You may have a talent in photography but is not developed yet. The schools will help you develop this talent and even impact more skills that you did not know of. Here some of the most basic skills that you will find in any photography school with no doubt.

  • Photoshop

This is a very common skill that people use nowadays to get creative with pictures. It works by fixing photos which needs you to know how to smudge and airbrush. This makes your photos appear really attractive and people will pay a lot of money for photoshopped pictures. It is not easy to do this on your own therefore requiring you to enroll in a school.

  • Skillful photography

This mainly applies to professional photographers or journalists who need excellent quality output. Here you learn when it is the right time and moment to take a picture, not just anything random.

  • Guidelines regarding photography

Even photography just like any other discipline has rules that require you to follow in order to do right. The most common rule of photography is the ‘Rule of Thirds’ which basically focuses on placing the object you are capturing within the frame. There are also rules about viewpoint, background, depth and balancing elements among others.

Guidelines regarding photography

With the skills you garner from a photography school, you are able to pursue a career in journalism, media planning, video and film production and digital marketing besides being a professional photographer.

  • Photo Editing Concept

Like photography photo editing is an art. Every attractive image is edited by professional photo editors. So you have minimum editing concept, understand the color tone, contrast, saturation, etc. However, fixipixi is a digital photo editing company and we will provide photo editing services in UK and around the world.

Requirements to join Photography school in Europe

Europe has so many photography schools that you will even get confused in choosing the one that suits you best. No worries! This article zeros down to 7 of the best photography schools that will equip you with excellent skills to improve on your talent. You can either leave the school with a Certificate, degree, master’s of PHD in photography depending on your level of learning. All these will make you land a good job thereafter.

To enroll yourself in photography school does not require you any special qualifications. For as long as you are creative, have a good eye and have an idea about technical abilities, you are good to go. Other requirements include; 5 GSEs that include Mathematics and English and either 2 or 3 A levels and Art, media or design must be part of this.

Top 7 Best Photography Schools in Europe

Here is a list of the top 7 best photography schools in Europe that will help you to nurture your photography skills.

Best Photography Schools in Europe

  1. Vevey School of Photography, Switzerland

It is one of the best schools in Switzerland. The Vevey School is mainly divided into three faculties; vocational school apprentice program for beginners, applied-arts full-time program and school of professional maturity if you need to engage in professional photography. Notably, there are many other courses you can study apart from photography but in relation to the same.

  1. Royal College of Art, UK

This school offers the best photography courses in the whole of Great Britain. It has all the equipment and employs professionals so as to give you the best training. In most circumstances, you can easily get a job while you are still studying here. The main advantage is that you get to have your own personal tutor from the time you join.

  1. Koln International School of Design, Germany

It offers both practical and theoretical skills involving both design and photography. It focuses on cross-cultural cooperation because it accommodates many international students. There is a wide variety of photography courses for you to choose from.

  1. Speos Photography School

Whether in London or France, you can easily enroll in this photography school and gain the best skills. The tutors use both English and French for teaching. Some of the courses it offers are; sports photography, fashion and photojournalism just but to name a few.

  1. Academia Italiana, Italy

This school combines both photography and fashion design. To enhance the learning of the rich Italian culture, it admits students from all over the world. If you want a three-year degree program or a one-year professional course, be sure to get that here.

  1. Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Netherlands

The school’s headquarters is in Amsterdam. Not only does it offer photography courses but also gives its students an insight into the art of independence. You can start your photography sessions after school or while still in school.

  1. Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia, Russia

Do you know that this school allows Russia qualifying citizens to attend its classes for free? Now you know. It does not limit its courses to photography alone but also offers classes in documentary creation, sound and video art and sculpture among many. Once you finish your three-year program, you can display your work in the Multimedia Art Museum of Moscow.


Having gone through this article, you are now able to identify a school that suits your qualification and also depending on your location in Europe. You have the freedom to choose among a variety of photography courses that the top 7 best photography schools in Europe offer. To get extra information about the schools above, you can simply visit their websites.

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