
How to Get Rid of Double Chin in Photoshop

We love taking casual and professional photos in our day to day lives. They are ideal for application in digital photo albums and job portfolios. At FixiPixi, we assist many people to take these photos on a regular basis. Unfortunately, sometimes we can take the images using an incorrect angle that results in a double chin. Not only does this misrepresent us, but it also destroys the appeal of your photo. If this happens to you, we’ve got good news! You can remove double chin in Adobe Photoshop using the Liquify and Forward Warp Tools. Here is how to go about this!

Steps to take for how to remove double chin in photoshop

Open the photo

Begin by launching the software and loading your photo. On your computer, activate Photoshop, point to ‘File’ and click on ‘Open’ to reveal your file system. Select your photo of choice and activate it in your workspace.

Duplicate the layer

With the photoactive in the Photoshop workspace, could you make a copy of its layer? Doing this makes it so that any changes that you make will not affect the original image. For this purpose, right-click on the layer and then tap on the ‘Duplicate Layer.’ To make sure that you’ve done it correctly, strive to create two duplicate layers of your image. Taking this step does not affect your original image in any way but simply protects its integrity during the editing process.

Activate the Liquify suite

The first tool to use for fixing your double chin is the Liquify suite. Head to the toolbar above your Photoshop workspace and click on ‘Filter.’ Proceed to pick ‘Liquify.’ You can also click Shift + Ctrl + X in Windows OS or Shift + Cmd + X in the Mac OS.

Pick the Forward Warp Tool

Activating the Liquify suite presents you with a collection of tools, the Forward Warp Tool. With this tool, you can adjust the numerous characteristics of facial features. As such, it is ideal for removing a double chin from your photo.

Calibrate the Forward Warp Tool

For the best appearance, after removing the double chin, it is advisable to calibrate the Forward Warp Tool. You will need to adjust some variable elements within the tool. Some examples of these elements include Size, Pressure, Density, and Rate. Whenever you change these elements, the effect will be revealed in your image. As such, play with them until you are satisfied with the operation of the Forward Warp Tool.

Implement the Forward Warp Tool

After completing the calibration process, your mouse pointer will be transformed into a Forward Warp Tool. Apply it to the image by clicking and dragging over the affected area. Feel free to be as expressive as possible until you have a firm understanding of how the tool operates. Remember to keep it subtle so that you do not end up exaggerating the effect of the Forward Warp Tool.

Create a new layer

After applying the Forward Warp Tool, it is necessary to apply some noise to the image to have some texture. For this purpose, you need to add an extra layer. Identify the layers window and click on the icon that is second from the right at the bottom. You can use some keyboard shortcuts to the same effect where Shift + Ctrl + N is applicable in Windows OS, while Shift + Cmd + N is functional in the Mac OS.

Head to the ‘Edit menu’ and then select the ‘Fill’ option. A new window containing some setting options will pop up immediately. Set the Contents to be 50% Gray, Mode to be Normal, and the Opacity to be 100%.

Add noise to the photo.

After completing the setup of your new layer, it is time to add the noise. Head to the ‘Filter’ tab option and then navigate to ‘Noise’ and then ‘Add Noise.’ A new window will emerge where you can set the ideal level of noise. Pick a suitable percentage depending on the size of your photo. Play around with the options, but in most cases, 4% will do perfectly.

Blur the noise

After adding some noise to the photo, it can end up becoming a little overwhelming. Thankfully, you can blur the layer where you have inserted the noise. While the effect will still be present, it will not be harsh.

To do this, navigate to the menu bar above your workspace and select the ‘Filter’ option. After that, point to ‘Blur’ and then ‘Gaussian Blur.’ Doing so will activate a new window where you can set the radius of your blurring activity. Again, consider the size of your image while setting this radius. Remember that the larger the radius, the more blurry your image will become. After selecting this, set the blend mode to ‘Linear Light,’ and the noise will immediately mimic the texture you desire on your photo.

Create a Clipping Mask

In the currently active layer, right-click in it and select ‘Create Clipping Mask.’

Create some shadows

You have already edited out the double chin by this point, but there are some additional settings that you still need to perform to add realism to the image. The best way to do this is by adding shadows.

You can select the fourth icon from the bottom of your layers window and then pick Curves to create a Curve Adjustment Layer. Through this layer, you will develop a version of your photo that is darker to mimic shadows. Remember to add a Layer Mask to help you select the areas that will be darker than the rest in this layer.

Intensify your highlights

After editing the shadows, you can now edit your photo’s highlights to create a balance between color tones, with the final objective being a highly realistic image. To this effect, pick a brush tool and implement it along a curve that makes your image lighter. Use it strategically and sparingly to achieve your desired effect.


You can remove a double chin from your image using a wide array of tools in the Photoshop suite. By implementing facilities such as the Liquify, Forward Warp Tool, and the Curve Adjustment Layer, you can remove the double chin and restore your face’s authentic, natural appearance. At FixiPixi, we can help you to accomplish this. In case you would like a rapid, professional, and accurate double chin removal, contact us today!

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